Friday, December 30, 2011

Interview with Dr. Murad Hofmann for "URA" magazine

~ Exclusive interview for “URA” magazine ~*

1. Our first question is: May you tell us please what is one of the main reasons, which you never mentioned before, that you accepted Islam as your religion, at a time when Islam for Europe and the West was quite not interesting and not so important? Did you start learning about Islam as an Orientalist before you accept it as your religion?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: I have never been an “Orientalist” nor did I study Islam like one. Rather than at the university I learned about Islam on the ground, i.e. as a young diplomat in Algeria. My conversion to Islam was the result of a personal quest for the divine, for truth. At the time, Islam was not yet an issue in Europe.

2. How can you describe your life in Islam in all these years as a Muslim?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: Nevertheless, Islam could not remain a private concern for me since, with the ever growing immigration of Muslims into Europe, Islam became everybody’s concern. In order to respond to the glaring need for information on Islam I became a member and co-founder of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD) and started to give lectures, also abroad, and write books on Islam.

Dr. Murad Hofmann and Ermal Bega - Bonn, September 2011

3. The number of the Muslim people in Europe is increasing. Do you think that this is still a problem for the Germany and Europe?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: Alas, the more the number of Muslims in Europe increases, the more anti-Islamic sentiments grow. This "Islamophobia" causes many well educated Muslims to leave Europe and return to North Africa, Bosnia, and Turkey.

4. What do you think it is the best way for the Muslims in Germany and Europe, being emigrants or natives reverted to Islam, to show their Islam?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: The best way for Muslims in Europe is not to assimilate but to integrate into their environment without jeopardizing their faith. Integration should happen from below, from the grass roots level, as a prerequisite for representation at higher levels.

5. During our visit in Bonn, we had the change that you introduced to us some Turkish young people, born and raised in Germany, but active Muslim ones, and you told us that “this is the future of Germany”. Do you mean that the Muslim youth and active population in Germany and across all Europe is growing up and is taking the place of the other active religious people, which is known that the natality among Muslims societies is higher than in other communities?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: Their higher current birthrate will increase the number of Muslims in Europe - for a while. But birthrates inevitably decline with increased income levels. Nevertheless, the large number of active young Muslims in today’s Europe promises an upswing of Muslim activity in tomorrow’s Europe.

Dr. Murad Hofmann taking a look at the “URA” magazine - Bonn, September 2011

6. Nowadays, many Western people, after being in many ways in contact with Islam, are going to enter in Islam, and most of them are personalities and high level people. May you tell us please, why the Muslims themselves in Europe, mainly emigrants or natives with Islamic background, are not really active in spreading the real Islam, do they feel scared of being attacked or somehow feel ashamed of being Muslims?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: Islamophobia is more current in today’s Germany than in France and Great Britain because Germany has never been as exposed to Islam as a colonialist power. As a result, many Muslims in Germany are particularly afraid of an anti-Muslim backlash. This may make them scared but certainly not ashamed of their faith.

7. Your books have been translated in many languages in the world and two of them, 1. Islam & 2. Qur’an, have been translated also into Albanian and published this year in Tirana. Do you think that your point of view about Islam in nowadays world is a good example to invite in Islam many Europeans and Western people?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: My books are relatively successful, outside of Germany as well. They are certainly more successful than books imported from the Muslim world, particularly from India and Pakistan. One has to know a local culture intimately in order to insert Islam into it.

8. Albanian Center for Oriental Studies, in Tirana, on September 10, 2011, holds a seminar about your personality and at the same time promoted your last books, 1. Islam and 2. Qur’an, translated into Albanian, where Albanian personalities use to talk about you and your books into Albanian. Also, “URA” magazine, an organ of the center mentioned above has published about 6 of your articles in each of its issues. Now, may we have something to add about that?
Dr. Murad Hofmann: I am grateful both to the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies and "URA" magazine in Tirana for making  available to the Albanian public some of my books and articles as well as a seminar about my work. Also I should like to thank "URA" magazine for making available this interview for Albanian readers in Albania itself, Kosovo, Macedonia, and wherever Albanians live.

Thank you very much!

Interviewed by Ermal BEGA, 2011
Editor-in-Chief of “URA” magazine
ISSN 2222-8381,

The interview translated into Albanian language you may see it here:

* This interview is published in the last issue (no. 7) of “URA” magazine, Autumn/Winter 2011.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Exhibition of Oriental documents and manuscripts

Ermal BEGA

Tirana-Albania, November 18-19, 2011

On November 18-19, 2011, in the hall of Albanian Qatar Center in Tirana, Albanian Center for Oriental Studies hold the first personal exhibition of the Oriental manuscripts and documents, by the Albanian orientalist Ermal Bega, at the same time the Executive Director of ACFOS-Albania.
In this exhibition were invited many great personalisties of art, culture etc. Among the special guests was the Egyptian ambassador in Albania, the chairman of Islamic Forum of Albania Mr. Fisnik Kruja, the well-known professor of psychology Prof. Dr. Jashar Demiraj, Prof. Dr. Hajri Shehu, the former ambassador of Albania in Egypt and the vice-director of AIITC in Tirana Dr. Faruk Borova, the former ambassador of Albania in Saudi Arabia Prof. Sulejman Tomçini the professor of Turkish language and literature Nezir Bata, the Turkish professor of Turkish and Ottoman language in Albania Mr. Bünyamin Çağlayan, the professor of Islamic studies from Prizren (Kosova), Ma. Ajni Sinani etc.
The lecturers in this panel were:
1. Prof. Assoc. Dr. Genciana Abazi-Egro - Turkologian
2. Prof. Bedri Telegrafi - Historian
3. Mr. Ermal Bega - Orientalist
On the first day of the exhibition, on Nov. 18, 2011, Mr. Ermal Bega gave an interview for 3 different private Albanian TVs in Tirana, Koha TV, Albanian Screen, and Ora News, while on Nov. 21, 2011, 3 days after the exhibition was done, he had another interview and special report for Vision Plus TV.
In this exhibition were presented more than 80 Oriental manuscripts and documents, in Arabic, Ottoman and hand-writings.
Head of this activity was Mr. Qani Sulku.

Friday, December 16, 2011

URA magazine, Autumn/Winter 2011, No. 7


4th year, 2011     No. 7

ISSN 2222-8381



Notable Personalities
Sociology, etc.

Autumn/Winter 2011

1. Dr. Edward SAID
Dreams and delusion

2. Dr. Abdullah HAMITI
Mahmoud Darwish - The poet of the Arab and Palestinian identity

3. Dr. Hatixhe AHMEDI
The ijazah and it’s conception

Arab Civilization: Influence on the West

5. Dr. Genciana ABAZI-EGRO
From the manuscripts on the textual critical editions: On the process of...

6. Dr. Feti MEHDIU
The oldest Islamic-Ottoman objects in the region of Kërçova (Kićevo)

7. Dr. Murad W. HOFMANN
Why this Islamophobia?

8. Nehat ISLAMI
The curse of the oldest city in the world

Ibn Khaldun - Father of Historiography


~ Notable personalities ~

Muharrem Mullahu

~ Interview ~

1. Dr. Murad W. HOFMANN - Exclusive interview for “URA”

~ Cultural activities ~

1. World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
2. Symposium: Albanians in Ottoman Empire
3. Division of prizes for AIITC 2010 winner
4. Seminar: Dr. Murad Hofmann and his life as a German-European Muslim

~Oriental poems ~

1. Nizar QABBANI

2. Fahredin SHEHU
The Contemplative

3. Nadja ARNAOUT
For your sake

New publications

Invitation to collaborate

Published by:
P.O.Box 8203

Monday, December 12, 2011

Dott. Murad Hofmann e la sua vita come un musulmano tedesco-europeo

Ermal BEGA

Dott. Murad Hofmann e la sua vita come un musulmano tedesco-europeo
~ Cronaca Culturale ~

Il 10 settembre 2011, alle ore 18.00, nella grande sala del Museo Storico Nazionale, il Centro Albanese per gli Studi Orientali, ha organizzato il seminario con il titolo: "Dott. Murad Hofmann e la sua vita come un musulmano tedesco-europeo". Nella composizione di questo seminario era anche la promozione di due libri scritti dal Dott. Murad Hofmann: 1. "L’Islam", e l’altro 2. "Il Corano".
La partecipazione è stata numerosa soprattutto da parte delle personalità religiose, culturali, scientifiche, diplomatiche, vari organizzazioni ecc.
All'inizio dell'attività, lo speaker del seminario Ermir Hoxha legge un saluto speciale inviato da Dott. Murad Hofmann, dove tra l'altro scrive:
"Io mi considero un musulmano ’tedesco-europeo‘". Tuttavia, per dir meglio, non si trova una tale persona. Per tutti i musulmani, ovunque essi si trovino e qualsiasi lingua che loro parlino, appartengono all’Ummah islamica, la loro unica comunità. Tutti i musulmani in tutto il mondo sono uniti in un unico e vero Dio, Allah, e credono nello stesso profeta, Mohamed, e seguono lo stesso libro, il Corano".
Sono invitati a parlare in questo incontro:
1. Dott. Jashar Demiri, professore che insegna psicologia all’Università di Tirana, lui ha parlato in generale sulle opere in albanese del dott. Murad Hofmann e il loro impatto sulla società. Ha espresso vari commenti sul valore di questi libri, e alla fine ha fato una speciale congratulazione per gli ultimi due libri.
2. Besnik Mustafaj, presidente del Forum Albanese per l'Alleanza delle Civiltà (AFALC), ha discusso sulla vita del dott. Murad Hofmann e le sue visioni e le idee espresse nei suoi libri tradotti in albanese, ha posto l’accento al fatto che si debba essere più cooperazione reciproca fra le varie comunità religiose che vivono in Europa, dove all'Albania ha dato un ruolo particolare. Il discorso di sig. Besnik Mustafaj sulle opere di Dott. Murad Hofmann è stato applaudito da tutti i partecipanti.
3. Ermal Bega, direttore esecutivo del Centro Albanese di Studi Orientali (ACFOS), (che in questo caso, anche, nel ruolo del traduttore dei libri dall'originale in inglese), ha dato un riassunto del contenuto di questi due libri e poi ha parlato dell'influenza che questi hanno avuto nella società multiculturale e multi - religiosa d'Europa, dove fa parte, anche l'Albania. Inoltre, ha citato i suoi contatti diretti con dott. Murad Hofmann, dove ha reso pubblico il suo viaggio futuro verso la Germania per incontrarla direttamente da persona il dott. Hofmann e farli una intervista.*
In seguito, i partecipanti hanno complimentato per l'organizzazione di questo seminario, si sono svolte varie discussioni per quanto riguarda la pubblicazione dei libri e opinioni in loro possesso. Tra gli ospiti era invitato come ospite d’onore anche Kreshnik Osmani, dove anche lui ha fatto un breve discorso.
Uno speciale ringraziamento è indirizzato ai due studenti che vivono in Italia, il sig. Eris Pirra e la sig.ra Anita Braka, che hanno contribuito alla stampa di questi due libri. Infine, nella sala del Museo Storico Nazionale è stato fatto un cocktail, dove gli ospiti hanno discusso in più su quest’attività culturale. Potremmo dire che nella rivista culturale-scientifica per gli studi orientali "URA", organo del Centro Albanese per gli Studi Orientali, in quasi ogni suo numero si sono pubblicati articoli scritti dal dott. Murad Hofmann.

Murad Hofmann, compiuto ottant’anni quest'anno, è un esempio di un uomo, che la sua fede non è stata trasmessa come un'eredità di famiglia o come risultato di tutte le circostanze esistenziali restrittive. A un certo punto della sua vita, ha scelto completamente libero di essere musulmano. Piuttosto, egli si è sentito sempre musulmano nell'anima. In questo senso, il suo cammino spirituale è un'esperienza, il cui valore supera l'Hofmann in sé come persona. Fortunatamente per chi vuole conoscere l’Islam, musulmani o no, Murad Hofmann è un signore che ha studiato all’Università di Harvard e ha fatto la Giurisprudenza a Monaco di Baviera. Ha lavorato per mezzo secolo come diplomatico, negli ultimi dieci anni della sua carriera è stato un alto funzionario della NATO e poi è stato ambasciatore della Germania, in Algeria e in Marocco.
Estremamente vasta erudizione, esperienza rara di  vita in Europa, America, Africa, l'esperienza rara come diplomatico professionale e ricca esperienza spirituale in entrambe le maggiori religioni monoteiste, primo nel cristianesimo e poi in Islam, fa che  i suoi scritti sull'Islam siano fondamentalmente onesti, con contenuti ricchi e nello stile chiaro e comprensibile a tutti i cittadini liberi di questo mondo, sia per chi legge a comprendere meglio il messaggio del Profeta per sentirsi più felici nella loro convinzione, sia per chi legge per motivi culturali o intellettuali. Con le sue scritture  Murad Hoffman rende un servizio prezioso alla sua fede, ed è l'iniziatore globale per il dialogo tra le civiltà.

Dalla parola di sig. Mustafaj in questo seminario.

Articolo della rivista “URA”, nr. 7, Estate-Inverno 2011, Tirana-Albania.

Tradotto dalla lingua albanese:

* Questo viaggio si e realizato due settimane dopo.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dr. Murad Hofmann and his life as a German-European Muslim

Ermal BEGA

Dr. Murad Hofmann and his life as a German-European Muslim
~ Cultural Chronicle ~

On September 10, 2011, at 6:00 PM, the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS) organized a seminar entitled: "Dr. Murad Hofmann and his life as a German-European Muslim", held at the main hall of the Albanian National Historical Museum in Tirana. Part of this seminar was also the presentation of two books written by Dr. Hofmann: "Islam" and "The Quran".
A great number of religious, cultural, scientific, academic, diplomatic, and community representatives attended this event.
At the beginning of the event, Mr. Ermir Hoxha, journalist and presenter of the seminar, read out loud the special greeting sent by Dr. Hofmann to the seminar attendees, where, among others, he says:
"I am considered as a German-European Muslim. However, if I was to be precise, such a person does not exist. That is because all Muslims, wherever they are, and whatever language they speak, belong to the Muslim Ummah, one and only. All Muslims, in all over the world, are united in the one and only God, Allah, believe in the same prophet, Muhammad, and follow the same book, the Quran."
The presenters in this seminar were:
1. Dr. Jashar Demiri, professor of psychology at Albanian University in Tirana-Albania, who spoke in general about the works of doctor Murad Hofmann in Albanian and their impact on the Albanian society. He also commented on the value of these books, where he especially congratulated the last two books.
2. Besnik Mustafaj (former minister of foreign affairs of Albania), president of the Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilization (AFALC), who talked about the life of Dr. Murad Hofmann and about his visions and ideas expressed in his books that have been translated into Albanian and for a more active cooperation between the different religious and cultural communities that live in Europe, where he gave Albania a special role. The interpretation of Dr. Murad Hoffman's viewpoints by Mr. Mustafaj was very much liked and applauded by the attendees.
3. Ermal Bega, Executive Director of ACFOS-Albania, who, as the translator of Dr. Hofmann's books from English to Albanian, gave a summary of the content of the latest two books and their effect on the multi-faith, multi-cultural societies of Europe, where Albania is also part. Mr. Bega also mentioned his experiences thru direct contact with Dr. Murad Hofmann and revealed that he would soon take a quick trip to Germany to personally meet Dr. Hofmann and conduct an interview with him.*
Later on, the attendees expressed gratitude for the organization of this seminar and discussed the two new books and their contents. Among the guests who spoke a few words of salutation, was also Mr. Kreshnik Osmani.
A special thank you note went to two of our compatriots who live in Italy, Mr. Eris Pirra and Mrs. Anita Braka, who contributed towards the publishing of these two books.
At the conclusion of the event, a cocktail was held at the reception area of the National Historical Museum, where the guests further discussed the content of this historical event.
We must add that the cultural scientific magazine for oriental studies "URA", published by ACFOS-Albania, has undertaken to publish an article by Dr. Murad Hofmann in each of its issues.

Murad Hofman, who is 80 years old this year, is the example of a man who doesn’t carry his belief as a family heritage and neither as a result of tough existential circumstances. At a certain point in his life, he has chosen with his totally free will to be a Muslim. Better said, he has felt a Muslim in spirit. In this sense, his personal spiritual journey is an experience whose value surpasses Hofman as a person.
Fortunately for those who want to study Islam, be they Muslim or not, Murad Hofman is a gentleman who has studied at Harvard University and the Munich School of Law. He has then worked for half a century as a diplomat, until during the last decade of his career he was appointed as a high representative to NATO and as the German Ambassador to Algeria and Morocco.
His extremely wide erudition, his rare life experience in Europe, America, and Africa, his equally rare experience as a diplomat, and his rich experience in the two large monotheistic world religions, Christianity at first, then Islam, allow his writings on Islam to be honest, rich in content, and with a clear and understandable style for all the free citizens of this world, be it for those who read him to better understand the Prophet’s teachings so as to feel happier in their faith, or for those who read him simply for cultural and intellectual reasons. With his writings, Murad Hofman does a great service to both his faith and the global initiative for the dialog between civilizations.

From the speech of Mr. Besnik Mustafaj in this seminar

Translated from Albanian:

Taken from “URA” magazine, Issue #7, Fall-Winter 2011, Tirana-Albania.

* This trip to Germany was undertaken two weeks later.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Muslim Albania - ألبانيا المسلمة - AlJazeera 2010 (Full)

MUSLIM ALBANIA - ألبانيا المسلمة - ALJAZEERA 2010 (Full DOCUMENTARY)

Since the fall of the communist regime Albania has been run as a parliamentary democracy and has been developing a western market economy.
The majority of the population are Muslims (about 75%), while the rest are Orthodox, Catholic and seven other religions.
In Albania, talking about Islam and Islamic identity is a highly sensitive area and affects all aspects of society (social, political, economic etc).

Title: Muslim Albania
Genre: Documentary
Duration: 52 minutes
Language: Albanian - Arabic
Location: Albania
Executive Producer: Domino Film ©, Rome-Italy
Production: Al Jazeera Documentary Channel 2010 ©
Direction: Mohamed KENAWI,
Camera: Antonino CERAVOLO
Coordinator of the documentary in Albania: Ermal BEGA
Translator from Albanian to Arabic: Azem XHELADINI
Scenarist: Mohamed KENAWI

Saturday, August 13, 2011

La divisione dei premi per i vincitori di AIITC 2010

Ermal BEGA

~ La divisione dei premi per i vincitori di AIITC 2010 ~

La sera del 13 giugno 2011, al Hotel “Sheraton”, sala  “Iliria”,  in presenza di diverse personalità,  quelle albanese e straniere,  l’Istituto Albanese del Pensiero e Civiltà Islamica,  sotto gli auspici del Ministero del Turismo, Cultura, Gioventù e dello Sport ha organizzato per il quinto anno consecutivo la cerimonia di annunciare i vincitori del "Premio AIITC 2010" per le categorie:
Il miglior libro nel campo della scienza e della cultura islamica
• Il miglior traduttore dell'anno, per il libro nel campo della scienza, della cultura e dell'arte islamica, in lingua albanese
Il più bel paesaggio fatto dai pittori albanesi
La migliore creatività dei giovani in prosa e poesia con la tema: "La bellezza nello spirito e nella vita"
Quest’attività è stata diretta da Qani Sulku e Daniela Fagu.
Ha dato l'inizio alla serata il direttore di AIITC,  Ramiz Zekaj, e poi  ha preso la parola il rappresentante del Ministero del Turismo, Cultura, Gioventù e dello Sport, Ermir Nika.
Ramiz Zekaj, tra l’altro ha citato: "Attraverso il Premio AIITC, il nostro istituto vuole trasmettere il modo migliore della cultura e della civiltà islamica".
Dopo un po’, Elinor Butka, ha suonato con il suo toolkit Ney alcuni brani musicali.

In seguito è cominciata la ceremonia della distribuzione dei premi.

La prima categoria è stata la proclamazione dei vincitori per il miglior libro dell’anno 2010 nel campo della scienza, della cultura e dell'arte islamica. Questa categoria è stata condotta dal professor Xhevat Lloshi. 
I premi per la categoria sono stati divisi su questi autori e libri:
Al primo posto: Qemajl Morina con il libro “Glosar i nocioneve fetare”, (Glossario dei nozioni Religiosi)
Al secondo posto: Arian Kadiu con il libro “Dibra e Madhe dhe një vështrim mbi Dibrën e Vogël”( "La Grande Dibra e una panoramica della Dibra Minore")
Al terzo posto: (erano due vincitori) a) Bardhyl Fico con il libro “Anamorfoza e mesazhit të madh” ( Anamorfoza del grande messaggio)  e b) Adnan Silajdźić  con il libro “Muslimanët në kërkim të një identiteti” (I musulmani alla ricerca di un'identità - tradotto in albanese da Ermal Bega e Klodiana Smajlaj.

I vincitori dei premi per la categoria della migliore traduzione e del miglior traduttore:
Al primo posto: Oriol Guni per la traduzione del libro “Kryqëzatat në syrin e arabëve” (Le crociate agli occhi degli arabi).
Al secondo posto: Ferid Hafizi per la traduzione del libro “Islami politik dhe e ardhmja e tij” (L'islam politico e il suo futuro).

I vincitori dei premi per i più bei dipinti della categoria dell’arte visiva, con il presidente della giuria Sadik Kasen, sono stati:
Al primo posto: Skënder Kamberi
Al secondo posto: Sadik Kasa

Alla fine, i vincitori dei premi per la creatività dai giovani, in prosa e poesia con la tema "La bellezza nello spirito e nella vita", con  il presidente della giuria Arian Kadiu, sono stati:
Al primo posto: Elida Rustemi
Al secondo posto: Visar Hyseni
Al terzo posto: Elida Gjerani

Dopo, il musicista Elinor Butka ci ha accompagnato di nuovo con i suoni belli del suo toolkit Ney. Alla fine per i partecipanti è stato preparato un cocktail.

Tradotto dal albanese: